Discovering the Creative Spirit and Healing of the Tenderloin

Discovering the Creative Spirit and Healing of the Tenderloin

Attached below is a link to a video, Discovering the Creative Spirit and Healing of the Tenderloin, which makes the case for the importance of indigenous artists and the culture of the community to San Francisco.  Many of these artists have experienced homelessness; many are HIV-positive.  One of those artists is Marty’s Place resident Brian Bourassa.

We hope you will enjoy seeing the stunning and insightful artwork by some of the indigenous artists in the neighborhood. We also hope you will find compelling, as we did, their insights into healing and self-transformation. More than 650 artists live and work in the Tenderloin.  Many of them deal daily with of issues regarding homelessness or inadequate housing and HIV/AIDS.  These artists are a natural resource for making the culture of San Francisco so very special.